According to the rules of procedure of the Research Commission, it must be composed of the following members:

    • The Director of the Centre, who presides over it.
    • The Research Coordinator, as Secretary.
    • A representative of the Centre Management.
    • Five representatives of the faculty.

The representatives of the faculty are, currently, the following:

Photo of María Álvarez Hernández
María Álvarez Hernández

Personal Docente e Investigador
Coordinadora del grupo G-MAD6.0 | Representante del PDI en la CI, en el ámbito de matemáticas y otros

Photo of José Antonio González Prieto
José Antonio González Prieto

Personal Docente e Investigador
Representante del PDI en la CI, en el ámbito industrial

Photo of Rocío Maceiras Castro
Rocío Maceiras Castro

Personal Docente e Investigador
Coordinadora del grupo TeMat

Photo of Rubén Nocelo López
Rubén Nocelo López

Personal Docente e Investigador
Representante del PDI en la CI, en el ámbito TIC

Photo of Carlos Pérez Collazo
Carlos Pérez Collazo

Personal Docente e Investigador
Coordinador del grupo INTECNAV

Photo of Araceli Regueiro Pereira
Araceli Regueiro Pereira

Personal Docente e Investigador
Representante del PDI en la CI, en el ámbito industrial

Photo of Santiago Urréjola Madriñán
Santiago Urréjola Madriñán

Personal Docente e Investigador
Representante del PDI en la CI, en el ámbito industrial

Among its main functions are:

  • Discussing and validating, if appropriate, the proposed research policy and objectives.
  • Collaborating with the implementation, development and monitoring of the center’s research policies.
  • Channeling the offer and technological services of the CUD-ENM.
  • Advising on the protection of R&D results.
  • Issuing as many reports as requested by the Director of the Center.
  • Submitting to the Management of the Center as many proposals as it deems appropriate in matters of its competence.
  • Intervening in all those decisions provided for in the Internal Regulations of the Research Commission of the CUD-ENM.
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