Embarkation of CUD-ENM professors on the Amphibious Assault Ship L-51 “Galicia”

From June 4th to 7th, 2024, the professors Ms. Ana Ogando and Mr. José María Núñez, from the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy, had the opportunity to embark on the Amphibious Assault Ship L-51 “Galicia” together with a large group of students from the Spanish Naval Academy who were carrying out part of their end-of-course internships on board.

During the three-day voyage, which extended from Marín to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the professors explored the ship’s facilities in depth, from the bridge to the engine room, passing through the flight hangar, the flood dock, CIC, radio facilities, etc., and had the opportunity to see the new Airbus H-135 helicopters of the new Twelfth Squadron of the Aircraft Flotilla.

In addition, they shared daily life with officers, crew, pilots, students and brigade commanders of the ENM. They also had the opportunity to meet and talk with teachers and students from other CUDs, such as Lieutenant Colonel Jaime Mas, who teaches at the CUD-ACD, and who embarked with 12 students from that center.

The professors took the opportunity to give a training talk to the ship’s crew on NAVWAR and the recent threat posed by the disruption of GNSS systems for certain routine ship operations. In addition, they conducted a study of vulnerabilities of the ship’s GNSS receiving systems, which served to train the crew to deal with this new type of increasingly frequent threat.


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