Closing Ceremony of the VI Course on Management and Direction of ICT and Information Security

On January 24th, 2024 took place the closing ceremony of the VI Course of Management and Direction of ICT and Information Security and the awarding of diplomas to the students who, as part of this course, have completed the fourth edition of the Master’s Degree in ICT Management for the Defense (Master DIRETIC), an official degree of the University of Vigo, taught by the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy (CUD-ENM).

The ceremony, which took place in the Assembly Hall of the Spanish Naval Academy (ENM), was chaired by the Director of the Center for Information and Communications Systems and Technologies (CESTIC), H.E. Mr. José María Millán Martínez, and he was accompanied by the Deputy Director General for Military Education, H.E. Mr. GB. Juan Manuel Sánchez Aldao, the Director of the CUD-ENM, H.E. Mr. CN. José Martín Davila, the Deputy Director-Chief of Studies of the Spanish Naval Academy, Mr. CF. Federico Baeza Richer, and the Coordinator of the Master DIRETIC, Ms. Milagros Fernández Gavilanes.

The event was attended by invited civilian and military authorities, representatives of companies in the Galician technology sector, and teachers and students of the VI and VII Course on Management and Direction of ICT and Information Security.

The event began with the intervention of the Director of CESTIC, who gave as the last lecture of the course the conference entitled “Technology and reality”. At the end, the Director of CUD-ENM moderated a colloquium on the topics covered in the conference, in which there was great participation by students and the representatives of the companies.

After the speeches of the Director of the CUD-ENM and the Deputy Director-Chief of Studies of the ENM, the Coordinator of the DIRETIC Master’s Degree highlighted the good development of the course and the good results. Finally, Col. Mr. Francisco Jesús Fernández Fernández, as the oldest student of the VI course of Management and Direction of ICT and Information Security, offered some brief and emotional words on behalf of his classmates.

Diplomas were then awarded to the students who successfully completed the VI Course on Management and Direction of ICT and Information Security, with special mention to TCol. Mr. José Manuel Martínez Sänchez as the most distinguished student of the course, whose diploma was presented individually by the Director of CESTIC.

To conclude, the Deputy Director General of Military Education, of the General Directorate of Military Recruitment and Education, gave some words of evaluation of the course and then the Director of CESTIC proceeded to close the course.

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