Contracting Authority Profile

Contracting party profile of the CUD-ENM (Defense University Centre – Spanish Naval Academy of Marín)

  • Who represents the CUD?
    The affiliation agreement between the Ministry of Defense and the University of Vigo states that “The Director is the contracting body of the center and is entitled to sign in its name and on its behalf, in accordance with the legislation and regulations in force at UVIGO, the contracts in which the center is involved, without prejudice to the authorization of the Executive Committee”.
  • Where does the contracting take place?
    In open and restricted proceedings, and in negotiated proceedings with advertising, the contracting authority will be assisted by a Contracting Committee, which will be the body responsible for assessing the bids. In negotiated procedures, where it is not necessary to publish a tender notice, the Contracting Authority is free to set up the committee.
  • What is required to contract with the CUD?
    Natural or legal persons, Spanish or foreign, who have full capacity to act, are not subject to a prohibition on contracting, and can prove their economic, financial and technical or professional solvency or, where required by law, are duly classified, may contract with the CUD.
    Entrepreneurs must also have the business or professional authorization that, where applicable, is required for the performance of the activity or service that constitutes the object of the contract.

Tenders published in the State Contracting Platform.

Instructions for the submission of electronic invoices to de Defense University Center – ENM.

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