Graduation ceremony of the 10th Class of the Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering of the CUD-ENM

On July 15th, 2024, 79 fifth-year students who have completed their studies in the Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy (CUD-ENM) received their diplomas at the graduation ceremony of the 10th class of this degree.

The ceremony, chaired by the Admiral Chief of Staff of the Navy (ALPER), H.E. Admiral Mr. Pedro Luis de la Puente García-Ganges, and held in the Assembly Hall of the Spanish Naval Academy, was attended by the Rector Magnificent of the University of Vigo, Mr. Manuel Joaquín Reigosa Roger and the Director General of Recruitment and Military Education (DIGEREM), H.E. Mr. TG. Pedro José García Cifo, as well as other civilian and military authorities, CUD-ENM staff and relatives of the graduates.

Throughout the same, various awards and recognitions were presented, such as the award for the student with the best academic record, to AF. Mr. Pedro Palacios Guerrero, the prize for the best Final Degree Dissertation, to the AF. Mr. Pablo Martínez García, or the prizes for teaching excellence, awarded to CUD-ENM professors Mr. Carlos Casqueiro Placer (posthumously, collected by his widow Ms. Paula Carragal García) and Mr. Norberto Fernández García.


Likewise, diplomas were awarded to Professor Xavier Núñez Nieto, chosen by the students as “godfather” of the 10th graduating class, and to the AF. Mª de las Nieves Cabrera Fernández de Castañeda, chosen as “goddaughter” by the faculty of the CUD-ENM.

The event ended with a closing speech by the Rector of the University of Vigo, which complemented the previous interventions of ALPER, DIGEREM and the Director of CUD-ENM, and with a group photograph at the monumental staircase of the ENM.

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