Information request

The Law of transparency, access to public information and good governance, recognizes the right of citizens to request any information held by public institutions and organizations as a result of the development of their functions.

Means for submitting information requests

If you want to exercise your right of access to information on issues related to the Defense University Center at ENM, you can send us a request for information by any of these means:

  • Filling out this form(Abre en nueva ventana)
  • Sending an email to To facilitate the location of the request, please indicate in the subject of the email: “Request for access to public information Law 19/2013
  • In person, at the Defense University Center at the ENM, Marín.
  • By postal mail to the address:
    Centro Universitario de la Defensa,
    Escuela Naval Militar,
    Plaza de España, s/n
    36920 – Marín (Pontevedra).
  • PBy any of the other means of presentation foreseen in the Law(Abre en nueva ventana)

If what you want is to make a request for information on issues of any Ministry, institution or public body of the State, then do not use this route, go to thel Transparency Portal of the AGE(Abre en nueva ventana)


  • Identification: name and surname
  • Means of contact, preferably electronic


  • Competent body to resolve: Director of the CUD.
  • Resolution period: one month from the date the application is received at the Defense University Center (CUD-ENM).
  • Appeals: An appeal may be lodged against the CUD-ENM’s decision before the contentious-administrative jurisdiction. On a voluntary basis, a complaint may be filed beforehand with the Director of the CUD-ENM.

Transparency in CUD-ENM resolutions

Refusal resolutions due to the application of Article 14 limits of the Transparency Law(Abre en nueva ventana)

At the moment, the CUD-ENM has not adopted any resolutions that deny the application of the aforementioned limits.

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