International relations

The Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy (CUD-ENM) aims to promote the internationalization of its students, faculty and administrative and service staff. For this reason, it has an Erasmus + Charter (2021-27) that offers a framework for international exchange. For more information, please consult the Erasmus + section.

In this web section you will also find information about the current exchanges or mobilities carried out by undergraduate students, as well as about the stays at the CUD-ENM of American visiting professors carried out under a collaboration agreement with the Fulbright Commission to host in each academic year a professor who teaches in English a subject of the degree in mechanical engineering.

The International Affairs Coordinator of the CUD-ENM, Prof. Dr. Iván Puente Luna, is the center’s contact for this matter. Her duties include the following:

  • Informing and advising staff about the different mobility programs.
  • Manage stays at CUD-ENM of people from outside the center.
  • CUD-ENM contact person with the Fulbright Commission.
  • Contact person of the CUD-ENM with the ORI (International Relations Office) of the UVIGO for the exchange of students with naval academies, and for the exchange of professors.
  • CUD-ENM contact person for Military Erasmus.
  • Responsible for the application of the Erasmus Charter of the Center.
  • Study of possible recognitions with other curricula (on demand throughout the academic year), in coordination with those responsible for the affected subjects.
  • Presentation of the center to visits from foreign academic institutions.
  • Responsible for the content management (and updating) of the CUD-ENM website section.

For any further questions regarding these matters, please contact:

Iván Puente Luna
Coordinator of International Affairs of the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval
+34 986 804944


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