The document “Guidelines, definition and documentation of internal quality assurance systems for university education” of the Fides-Audit Program defines Quality Assurance as “All those activities aimed to ensure internal and external quality”. It takes into account the actions aimed to ensure the quality of the teachings developed by the centers, as well as to generate and maintain the confidence of students, faculty and society:

Evaluation of SGC designs.

The RD 1393/2007 of October 29th, 2007, which establishes the organization of official university education, requires for the verification and accreditation of a degree the incorporation of an internal assurance system for the evaluation, monitoring and improvement of the quality of the educational offer. In order to comply with this requirement, the Defense University Center has designed an Internal Quality Assurance System in collaboration with the Quality Area of the University of Vigo.

The following documents constitute the basic documentation of the IQAS of the CUD:


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