National legislation

  • Royal Decree 340/2023, of May 3rd, approving the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Officers’ Scale of the Civil Guard for the year 2023.
  • Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28th, establishing the organization of university education and the procedure for quality assurance. It repeals Royal Decree 1393/2007.
  • Royal Decree 640/2021, of July 27th, on the creation, recognition and authorization of universities and university centers, and institutional accreditation of university centers. It repeals Royal Decree 420/2015, of May 29th, on the creation, recognition, authorization and accreditation of universities and university centers, with the exception of the second and third final provisions.
  • Resolution 452/38146/2021, of May 6th, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which the selection processes are called for admission to the military educational training centers, by means of direct admission, with and without the requirement of a previous university degree, for incorporation as a career military officer or affiliation as a complementary military officer to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, the Marine Corps and the Civil Guard Corps.
  • Royal Decree 324/2021, of May 4th, approving the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Officers’ Scale of the Civil Guard for the year 2021.
  • Royal Decree 309/2021, of May 4th, approving the Regulations for entry and promotion in the Armed Forces. It repeals Royal Decree 35/2010, of 15 January, approving the Regulations on entry and promotion and on the organization of training education in the Armed Forces and its subsequent amendments.
  • Royal Decree 556/2020, of June 9th, amending Royal Decree 35/2010, of January 15th, approving the Regulations on entry and promotion and the organization of training education in the Armed Forces.
  • Resolution 452/38140/2020, of June 2nd, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which the selection processes for admission to the military training teaching centers are announced, by means of direct admission, with and without the requirement of a previous university degree, for incorporation as career military personnel or as complementary military personnel to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, the Marine Corps and the Civil Guard Corps.
  • Royal Decree 543/2020, of May 26th, approving the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard for the year 2020.
  • Resolution 420/38332/2019, of November 8th, of the General Technical Secretariat, which publishes the Agreement with the University of Vigo, for the affiliation to said University of the Defense University Centre located in the Spanish Naval Academy of Marín.
  • Resolution 452/38130/2019, of May 13th, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which selection processes are called for admission to the military educational training centers, by means of direct admission, with and without the requirement of a previous university degree, for incorporation as career military personnel into the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, the Marine Corps and the Civil Guard Corps.
  • Royal Decree 210/2019, of March 29th, which approves the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard for the year 2019.
  • Resolution 452/38117/2018, of May 17th, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which selection processes are called for admission to military training centers, by means of direct entry, with and without the requirement of previous university qualifications, for incorporation as career military personnel into the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, the Marine Corps and the Civil Guard Corps.
  • Royal Decree-Law 188/2018, of April 2nd, approving the offer of public employment in the areas of non-university teaching staff of the General State Administration, Armed Forces, State Security Forces and Corps, and stabilization of non-university teaching staff of the General State Administration, for the year 2018.
  • Resolution 452/38116/2017, of May 23rd, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which selection processes are called for admission to military training centers, by means of direct entry, with and without the requirement of a previous university degree, for incorporation as career military personnel into the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, of the Marine Corps and of the Civil Guard Corps.
  • Resolution of May 11th, 2017, of the General Secretariat of Universities, publishing the Agreement of the Council of Universities of May 10th, 2017, by which the official university degree courses are ordered.
  • Instruction 18/2017, of May 4th, of the Undersecretary’s Office, modifying Annex I of the Order DEF/792/2010, of March 25th, which approves the rules by which the selection processes for admission to the military educational training centers for access to the officer scales of the Naval Branch and Marine Corps are to be governed.
  • Royal Decree-Law 6/2017, of March 31st, approving the public employment offer in the areas of non-university and university teaching staff, Armed Forces, State Security Forces and Corps and Police Corps dependent on the Autonomous Communities for 2017.
  • Order ECD/1941/2016, of December the 22nd, which determines the characteristics, design and content of the Secondary School assessment for access to the University, the maximum dates for its implementation and for the resolution of the procedures for the review of the grades obtained, for the academic year 2016/2017.
  • Resolution 452/38062/2016, of May 17th, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which selection processes are called for admission to military training centers, by means of direct entry, with and without the requirement of previous university qualifications, for incorporation as career military personnel to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch and the Marine Corps, and to the Higher Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard Corps.
  • Royal Decree 154/2016, of April 15th, which approves the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Higher Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard for the year 2016.
  • Royal Decree 420/2015, of May 29th, on the creation, recognition, authorization and accreditation of universities and university centers.
  • Resolution 452/38048/2015, of May 20th 2015, announcing the selection processes for admission to military training centers, by means of direct entry, with and without the requirement of previous university qualifications, for incorporation as career military personnel into the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch and the Marine Corps.
  • Royal Decree 234/2015, of March 27th 2015, which approves the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Higher Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard for the year 2015.
  • Resolution 452/38067/2014, published in the BOE of July 7th, which establishes the call for selection processes for admission to military training centers, by means of direct entry, with and without the requirement of a previous university degree, for incorporation as career military personnel to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch and the Marine Corps, and to the Senior Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard Corps.
  • Provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Higher Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard for 2014 (second additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 8/2014, of July 4th 2014, approving urgent measures for growth, competitiveness and efficiency).
  • Royal Decree 412/2014, of June 6th, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official undergraduate university education.
  • Royal Decree 378/2014, of May 30th, amending the Regulations on entry and promotion and on the organization of training education in the Armed Forces, approved by Royal Decree 35/2010, of January 15th.
  • Resolution 52/38037/2013, of May 13th, 2013, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which the selection processes are called for admission to the military training teaching centers, by the form of direct entry, with and without the requirement of a previous university degree, for incorporation as career military personnel into the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch and Marine Corps.
  • Royal Decree 332/2013, of May 10th 2013, approving the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Higher Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard for the year 2013.
  • Resolution of December 12th 2012, of the University of Vigo, publishing the syllabus for the Graduate Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Royal Decree 1141/2012, of July 27th 2012, which amends Royal Decree 35/2010, of January 15th 2010, which approves the Regulations on entry and promotion and the organization of training education in the Armed Forces.
  • Order DEF/1097/2012, of May 28th, which determines the qualifications required to enter the military training centers for access to the different scales of officers and non-commissioned officers of the Armed Forces.
  • Resolution 452/38035/2012, of May 21st, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which the selection process for admission to the military training centers is announced, by the form of direct admission, without previous university qualifications, for incorporation as career military personnel into the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch and the Marine Infantry.
  • Royal Decree 739/2012, of April 27th, approving the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Senior Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard for the year 2012.
  • Order DEF/1097/2012, of May 28th, which determines the qualifications required to enter the military training centers for access to the different scales of officers and non-commissioned officers of the Armed Forces.
  • Royal Decree 1618/2011, of November 14th, on the recognition of studies in the field of Higher Education.
  • Instruction 17/2011, of March 24th, of the Undersecretary’s Office, which modifies Instruction 11/2010, of March 23rd, which establishes the weighting parameters of the subjects of the specific phase of the entrance exam to official undergraduate university studies.
  • Royal Decree 418/2011, of March 25th, amending certain articles of Royal Decree 35/2010, of January 15th, 2010, which approves the Regulations on entry and promotion and on the organization of training education in the Armed Forces.
  • Royal Decree 261/2011, of February 28th, which approves the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Higher Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard for the year 2011.
  • Royal Decree 1791/2010, of December 30th, approving the Statute of the University Student.
  • Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2nd, which amends Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29th, which establishes the organization of official university education.
  • Resolution 452/38082/2010, of April 22nd, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which the selection processes for admission to the military training centers for access as career military and complementary military, in different Corps and Scales of the Armed Forces and in the Higher Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard, are called, and the common and specific bases that regulate them are approved.
  • Royal Decree 409/2010, of March 31st, which approves the provision of posts in the Armed Forces and the Higher Scale of Officers of the Civil Guard for the year 2010.
  • Order DEF/792/2010, of March 25th, approving the rules governing the selection processes for admission to military training centers for access to the officer ranks of the Naval Branch and the Marine Corps.
  • Instruction 11/2010, of March 23rd, of the Undersecretary’s Office, establishing the weighting parameters for the subjects of the specific phase of the entrance exam to official undergraduate university studies.
  • Royal Decree 35/2010, of January 15th, which approves the Regulations on entry and promotion and the organization of training education in the Armed Forces.
  • Royal Decree 1723/2008, of October 24th, creating the system of defense university centers.
  • Order CIN/351/2009, of February 9th, establishing the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that enable the exercise of the profession of Industrial Technical Engineer.
  • Resolution de 15 de enero de 2009, of the Secretary of State for Universities, which publishes the Agreement of the Council of Ministers, which establishes the conditions to which the curricula leading to the award of degrees that enable the exercise of the different regulated professions of Technical Engineer should be adapted.
  • Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29th, establishing the organization of official university education.
  • Law 39/2007, of November 19th, 2007, on military careers.
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