Opening ceremony of the “VIII Course on Management and Direction of STIC and Information Security”

On September 17th, 2024, in the facilities of the Central Academy of Defense in Madrid, took place the opening ceremony of the “VIII Course of Management and Direction of STIC and Information Security (GSTICS)”, which is part of the “Master Degree in ICT Management for the Defense” (Master DIRETIC), an official degree of the University of Vigo taught by the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy (CUD-ENM) from the academic year 2019-2020.

The ceremony was chaired by the Director General of CESTIC, Lieutenant General Mr. José María Millán Martínez, who was accompanied by the Deputy Director General of Military Education, Brigadier General Mr. Juan Manuel Sánchez Aldao; the Director of the Central Academy of Defense, Brigadier General Mr. Alberto Pérez Romero; the Director of CUD-ENM, Dr. José Martín Davila and the Coordinator of the DIRETIC Master’s Degree, Dr. José González Coma.

The ceremony was attended by various civilian and military authorities, invited CESTIC personnel, as well as the students starting the VIII GSTICS course in the current academic year 2024-2025.

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