
As Director of the Defense University Center in the Spanish Naval Academy (CUD-ENM), it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Centre, and I encourage you to get to know us better by browsing this website.

The CUD-ENM is physically located on the Spanish Naval Academy enclosure (ENM, Marín, Pontevedra), although it does not depend on it. It is owned by the Ministry of Defense (MINISDEF), which exercises this ownership through the Undersecretary of Defense. It is affiliated to the University of Vigo (UVIGO), according to an agreement signed between both institutions. Its main group of students is formed by midshipmen of the Spanish Navy who join the Naval Branch and the Marine Corps without previous qualifications. It is a public centre and is governed, among other regulations, by Organic Law 6/2001, on Universities, by Law 39/2007, on the Military Career, by the Affiliation Agreement to the University of Vigo, by the applicable regulations dictated by the State, the Galicia Regional Government, the University of Vigo Statutes, and by its Organisation and Operation internal rules.

The essential objective of this centre is to contribute to the comprehensive training of future Navy officers, mainly in the scientific-technical aspect, but also by encouraging the training provided by the ENM in the values and essential rules that define the military’s behaviour.

The CUD imparts university education leading to the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree (Intensification in Naval Technologies). This degree has been granted with EUR-ACE accreditation by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE), the highest accreditation for an engineering degree in Europe. It also imparts the Master´s Degree in ICT Management for Defence (Máster DIRETIC). Both are official UVIGO degrees and, consequently, have passed the quality controls established by the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG). You can find information about both degrees by browsing this website.

The CUD began its activity in 2009, graduating in 2015 the first class of Navy officers with the aforementioned Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree. The DIRETIC master’s degree, aimed at MINISDEF personnel, has been implemented in the 2019-2020 academic year, being the heir to the GSTICS master’s degree, which was imparted, as its own degree, in the 2017-2019 period.

In addition to its teaching activity, a high priority objective, the CUD also has, as a University Centre, a clear commitment to research, mainly carried out by its Teaching and Research Faculty (PDI), Associate and Assistant Professors. The priority lines of research are those considered to be of relevance in the field of the Armed Forces and peace, security and defence, but other fields of research are not excluded, which are carried out both individually and in collaboration with other research centres or universities.

Once again, I welcome you to the website of this Defence University Centre. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information.

José Martín Davila

Director of the Defense University Center in the Spanish Naval Academy.


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