Professional visit of first year students to the School of Telecommunication Engineering and the School of Industrial Engineering

On Friday, July 5th, 2024, 45 first year students (ASP 1º) of the Degree in Mechanical Engineering taught at the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy (CUD-ENM) visited the Schools of Industrial Engineering and Telecommunication Engineering of the University of Vigo accompanied by professors Mr. Iván Garrido, Ms. Araceli Regueiro and Ms. Leticia Pérez.

The reception during the visit to the School of Telecommunications Engineering was in charge of Ms. Verónica Santalla del Río, Deputy Director of International Relations, and Ms. Cristina López Bravo, coordinator of the DocTic Doctoral Program, who guided the students’ visit to some of the most interesting laboratories of the School. Among the laboratories visited was the one assigned to the SpaceLab where they could see first hand the main projects developed: OLLO or BIXO, among others; the laboratory for research in 5G technologies, Industry 4.0 and autonomous vehicles, as well as the semi-anechoic acoustic chamber.

After the visit to the School of Telecommunications, students and professors were taken to the School of Industrial Engineering (EEI) where they were welcomed by Ms. Xanel Vecino, Deputy Director of Students and Institutional Relations of the School. There, they had the opportunity to visit some of the most emblematic laboratories of the Center, such as the Industrial Handling and Logistics Laboratory (Ricardo Marín Laboratory) where the students were able to observe different industrial robots, as well as a flexible aerial warehouse.

After this visit, the students went to different Materials laboratories where they had the opportunity to check the different tests and trials to which various materials are tested while they were told about the latest advances made by the group in relation to concrete additivation to improve its properties. Finally, they visited the manufacturing processes laboratory, located in the Foundry building, where they were able to see a demonstration of the equipment used in the manufacture of different types of parts.

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