Professional visit of second year students to the facilities of the Spanish Seaweed Company (Compañía Española de Algas marinas – CEAMSA)

As part of the chemical and environmental training of future Navy officers, 19 students of the second year (ASP 2) of the Degree in Mechanical Engineering taught at the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy (CUD-ENM) visited, on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024, the facilities of the Compañía Española de Algas Marinas (CEAMSA) accompanied by the professors Ms. Leticia Pérez Rial and Ms. Lorena González Gil.

CEAMSA was founded more than 55 years ago in O Porriño (Pontevedra), where its headquarters are located. Accompanied by the Human Resources Director, Mr. Jorge Trigo Somoza, and the Head of the Mixing Process, Mrs. Nuria Núñez, the students were able to learn about the vision and mission of this company, dedicated to the production of natural hydrocolloids, specifically carrageenan, pectin, fiber, alginate and locust bean gum.

The students first visited the different production lines of the plant, emphasizing the operation of specific equipment (dryers, filters, distillation columns, etc.), manufacturing processes and techniques to reduce their environmental impact, as well as the logistical aspects required to ensure market demand worldwide. They also visited a pilot plant where tests are carried out for the correct scaling up of new processes.

Finally, a demonstration was made with commercial products to which compounds such as carrageenan or pectin are added to achieve their final texture, which made it possible to see the wide variety of applications of these additives. New products and applications developed by the R&D&I team were also presented.

At the end of the visit, the representatives of the company were presented with a gift as a way of expressing their gratitude.

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