Professional visit of second year students to the San Esteban Hydroelectric Power Plant

On Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024, the second year students (ASP2º) of the Degree in Mechanical Engineering taught at the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy (CUD-ENM) visited the hydroelectric power plant of San Esteban in Ourense, accompanied by the professors Mr. José Ignacio Iglesias Prado and Ms. Lara Febrero Garrido.

San Esteban is the largest hydroelectric complex in Galicia with a total installed capacity of 451 MW. This infrastructure, located in the Sil river basin has two power plants: San Esteban I, which has been operational since 1956 with a capacity of 263 MW, and San Esteban II, in operation since 2013, which added another 188 MW to its generation power.

The ASP2º were welcomed by Iberdrola engineers who shared their experience and knowledge with the students, providing a valuable professional perspective. The day began with an introductory presentation explaining the history and importance of the plant within the national electricity system. The students were able to learn firsthand the basic principles of how a hydroelectric power plant works, including the power generation process and the key components involved in the process.

This was followed by a tour of the facilities at San Esteban I. The students toured the engine room, where they saw the vertical Francis turbines in action and obtained in-depth explanations of their design and maintenance. They also had the opportunity to visit the control and supervision areas, where operators monitor plant parameters in real time to ensure optimal performance and safety.

They then went into the caverns to visit the San Esteban II facilities, where they had the opportunity to see the great work that was done under the mountain to install the turbine.

To conclude the visit, the students visited the reservoir dam, where they received explanations about the most important features of the gravity-arc dam, the operation of the spillways and the intake intakes.

This activity, organized as part of the students’ practical training, provided a comprehensive and enriching view of the operation and management of a renewable energy generation facility.

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