Professional visit to CENTUM RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY by students and faculty of the DIRETIC master’s degree

On Wednesday, June 5th, 2024, the students of the VII Course of Management and Direction of STIC and Information Security, who are taking the fifth edition of the University Master in ICT Management for Defense (Master DIRETIC) visited the facilities of the company Centum Research & Technology in the Scientific and Technological Park of the University of Vigo (CITEXVI) accompanied by the professor of the CUD-ENM Rubén Nocelo López.

Centum Research & Technology is a company dedicated to the design and development of mission aeronautical systems for Emergency, Security and Defense tasks. Among its products stands out the Lifeseeker aeronautical mission system for Search and Rescue, capable of accurately locating missing persons via cell phone even in areas without coverage.

At their arrival, the students and professors were welcomed by the CFO of the company, David Domínguez, and by the CEO, Héctor Estévez, who gave a presentation of the company from its origin to the development and launching of its most characteristic products.

Afterwards, both students and professors visited the different departments of the company, such as the software development department, the hardware department with the company’s CTO, Isaac Ballesteros, and the manufacturing and operations department with the COO, David Casasnovas. They were able to see first hand some of the products developed by the company such as Lifeseeker and Easy Catcher.

To conclude the visit, the students were able to see a demonstration, by support engineer Andrea Santamaría, of how to search for a cell phone with geolocation through Easy Catcher.

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