As established in the Centre’s Quality Manual, the Internal Quality Assurance Committee must have a balanced composition, whenever possible, between women and men and will be composed of at least the following members:

  • Director of the centre, who presides over it.
  • Deputy Director Head of Studies of the ENM.
  • Quality Coordinator.
  • Coordinator, or person delegated by him/her, of each of the bachelor’s and/or master’s degree programmes at the faculty.
  • Representative of the ENM quality area.
  • Equality Liaison.
  • A representative of the faculty.
  • A representative of the student body.
  • The centre manager or the person delegated by him/her.

In the case of the Defence University Centre, the members who, through the performance of their duties, are members of the Committee are:

  • The Director of the Centre, José Martín Davila.
  • The Deputy Head of Studies of the ENM, Rafael Hernández Rodríguez.
  • The Quality Coordinator of the CUD, Lara Febrero Garrido.
  • The Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree, Belén Barragáns Martínez.
  • The Coordinator of the Master’s Degree, Milagros Fernández Gavilanes.
  • The Equality Liaison, Santiago Urréjola Madriñán.
  • The Centre Manager, Fernando González Valdivia.
  • The ENM Quality Manager, Juan José Rivas Calvar.
  • The PAS representative, Pablo Sendín Raña.
  • Two students, from the first and fourth year, will be appointed as student representatives.

In order for the faculty representatives to be able to collaborate more actively in certain issues that may arise from the actions/attributions of the Committee, 5 members representing the different areas of knowledge involved in the teaching of the degree have been appointed:

  • Francisco Javier Rodriguez Rodriguez (member of the Industrial Engineering field)
  • Andrés Suárez García (member of the Industrial Engineering field)
  • Iván Puente Luna (member of the Industrial Engineering field)
  • Lorena González Gil (member of the Chemistry field)
  • Jose Maria Nuñez Ortuño (member of the Telecommunications Engineering field)

A representative of the ENM may be present to replace or support the Head of Studies or the ENM Quality Manager.

  • Discussing and validating, if appropriate, the proposed quality policy and objectives.
  • Discussing and validating, if appropriate, the proposal of the Quality Manual and the procedures of the center’s IQAS.
  • Monitoring the different programs related to quality improvement in the center and affiliated degrees, as well as proposing the pertinent improvements.
  • Collaborating with the implementation, development and monitoring of the IQAS.
  • Discussing, proposing and monitoring quality improvement actions, in order to continuously improve the quality of teaching in all means and processes that influence it, through constant collaboration with faculty and other collegiate bodies that have responsibilities in this area.
  • Participating actively in all academic processes related to the training offer of the center (new degrees, modification and/or suspension or termination of existing ones), preparing an assessment report if it is deemed appropriate, or if it is appropriate according to current regulations.
  • Exchanging, discussing and proposing the participation of the center in institutional, national and international quality plans.
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