Tribute to the CUD-ENM professor Mr. Carlos Casqueiro Placer

On February 9th, 2024, an event was held at the CUD-ENM research building to pay tribute to Professor Carlos Casqueiro Placer, who passed away last December. His widow, Ms. Paula Carragal García, his son, Mr. Carlos Casqueiro Carragal and his brother, Mr. Javier Casqueiro Placer, represented the family. The ceremony was also attended by many personnel of the CUD-ENM, as well as by a representation of the ENM, including students of the Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

The ceremony began with speeches given by the Director of the CUD-ENM, Mr. José Martín Davila, the Commander-Director of the ENM, CN. Pedro Cardona Suanzes, and the teacher of the CUD-ENM, Mr. Santiago Urréjola Madriñán, who made a brief review of the activities carried out by Professor Carlos Casqueiro at the Center, praising his teaching vocation, loyalty, positive attitude, commitment to values, altruism and companionship.

Professor Casqueiro’s widow then unveiled a commemorative plaque symbolizing the new name of the design research laboratory as “Professor Carlos Casqueiro Placer Laboratory” and took the opportunity to thank all those present for their support.

The ceremony ended with the projection, in memory of the honoree, of a video sent by a group of officers of the B/E “Juan Sebastián de Elcano”, former students of the deceased professor, as well as several images provided by personnel of the Center. A toast was also made in his honor.

Professor Carlos Casqueiro leaves an unforgettable memory among all of us who had the opportunity to share activities with him throughout his many years of service at CUD-ENM. May this tribute serve as a record of the gratitude, affection and respect professed by all his colleagues and friends.

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