Visit of the Director of ANECA to CUD-ENM

On January 30, 2024, the Director of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), Ms. Pilar Paneque Salgado, accompanied by the Director of the Faculty Evaluation Division of said agency, Ms. Susana Quicios Molina, and by the Head of the Officers Area of the DIGEREM, Col. Mr. Fernando Díaz García, visited the Defense University Center at the Spancish Naval Academy (CUD-ENM).

The agenda of the day began with a meeting with the management team of CUD-ENM and with the coordinators of some of the areas of interest for ANECA: international, quality, research, degrees, etc. In this meeting, the director of CUD-ENM, Mr. José Martín Davila, made a brief presentation of the Center and its staff, as well as the academic and research activity developed, while the deputy director, Ms. Belén Barragáns Martínez, presented a summary of the academic results of the Center, as well as the main milestones related to the Internal Quality Assurance System. After these presentations, and after a brief discussion with the participants in the meeting, the director of ANECA signed the CUD-ENM’s book of honor.

This was followed by a tour of the CUD-ENM facilities, with a visit to the Fluids and Motors teaching laboratories, as well as to the research building, where some of the projects currently being developed at the Center were presented. During this tour the visitors had the opportunity to exchange thoughts with the coordinators of the laboratories and the research projects presented, as well as to become familiar with some of the teaching and research activities carried out at the Center.

Finally, and as a complementary activity, the ENM Navigation Simulator was visited, where the personnel in charge gave a demonstration of its training possibilities.

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