Visit to the CUD-ENM of a delegation from Navantia Ferrol

On March 17, 2023, the CUD-ENM received a visit from a delegation from the Navantia Ferrol shipyard, headed by the Director of Defense Programs, Mr. Carlos López Carregado, and which also included the head of Human Resources of the Frigates and Intervention Ships Business (NFBI), Ms. Inmaculada Vázquez Castiñeira, the head of Digital and Industrial Transformation, Mr. Rafael Morgade Abeal, the head of Combat System Integration, Ms. Fernanda Regal Faraldo and the Administrator of the Contract F-110, Mr. Carlos Barón Aguilar-Tablada.

After a brief presentation by the Director of the CUD-ENM, Mr. José Martín Davila, in which, by way of contextualization, he gave an overview of the operation, characteristics and most important activities of the Center, the members of the delegation visited the research laboratories of the CUD-ENM, where they had the opportunity to see first-hand some of the main projects and lines of research currently under development.

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