Professional visit of DIRETIC Master students to AMTEGA (Axencia para a Modernización Tecnolóxica de Galicia) facilities

The students of the VII Course of Management and Direction of ICT and Information Security, who are taking the fifth edition of the University Master in ICT Management for Defense (Master DIRETIC), visited, on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, the facilities of the Axencia para a Modernización Tecnolóxica de Galicia, AMTEGA, accompanied by the professors Mr. Miguel Ares and Mr. Javier Rodríguez.

AMTEGA, whose facilities are located in the City of Culture of Santiago de Compostela, integrates human, material and budgetary resources of the technological area of all the ministries and different departmental entities of the Xunta de Galicia under the same management, integrally managing the ICT, allowing to modernize, rationalize and homogenize the provision of the different digital services offered to the citizens of the autonomous community.
Upon their arrival, the students were welcomed by Mr. Enrique Mourón, Mr. Federico Pinal and Mr. Manuel Pereiras, members of the Systems Department of the Infrastructure and Security Area of AMTEGA.
Afterwards, and as the first part of the visit, Mr. Enrique Mourón presented the Agency’s operation and mission, as well as a series of technical aspects: maintenance tasks without service interruption, classification levels for data centers, infrastructure services (energy, cooling, communications, security), systems department (storage, backup, monitoring), infrastructure as code, etc.

After the technical talk, and as the second part of the visit, the students, after being divided into three guided groups, were able to see first-hand the CPDi (Integral Data Processing Center of the Xunta de Galicia) facilities. As a reflection of the magnitude of these facilities, we can point out data such as the 1,275 square meters of surface they cover and the 2,500 servers they house with a storage capacity of 13 petabytes.

The visit to AMTEGA’s facilities ended after a two-hour guided tour of the CPDi’s facilities.

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