Visit to CUD-ENM of the Deputy General Director of Military Education and the Director of ANECA

On September 2nd, 2021 took place the visit to the Centro Universitario de la Defensa en la Escuela Naval Militar (CUD-ENM) of the Deputy General Director of Military Education, Mr. CN. D. Alfonso Vallés Sales, accompanied by the Director of ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation), Dr. Mercedes Siles Molina.

The day’s agenda began with a meeting with the management team of the CUD-ENM, where the Commander-Director of the ENM, Mr. Pedro Cardona Suanzes, was invited.

In this meeting, the Director of the CUD-ENM, Dr. José Martín Davila, made a presentation of the activity developed by the center, both in the academic field (regarding the two official Bachelor and Master degrees offered) and research (detailing the initiatives already launched in this field as well as the roadmap of actions proposed by the recently published Order DEF/375/2021, which approves the general guidelines for the management of research and knowledge transfer in the defense university centers).

Afterwards, the Secretary of the CUD-ENM, Dr. Belén Barragáns Martínez, presented a summary of the academic results of the center in its eleven years of activity as well as the main milestones related to the Internal Quality Assurance System of the CUD-ENM, as the basis for the continuous improvement of the center.

At the end of the meeting, the Director of ANECA signed the CUD-ENM’s book of honor.

The visit ended with a tour of the CUD-ENM facilities. Visits were made to the administrative building, the teaching laboratories and the research laboratories of the center, where both the Deputy General Director and the Director of ANECA were able to exchange impressions with the coordinating professors of these laboratories and to obtain a clearer and more direct vision of the activities carried out in teaching and research fields.

Also, during this visit, both attended a demonstration of the telematic teaching capabilities implemented at the start of the last academic year 2020-2021 at the CUD-ENM, with its own funding and support from the teaching tools and platforms of the University of Vigo.

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