The CUD Committee is the collegiate body of representation and decision-making. It is composed of:

  • President: The Director of the Defense University Center.
  • Members
    • The Deputy Director
    • The head of Studies of the ENM
    • The University Delegate at The de Defense University Center
    • All the Faculty, regardless of their dedication
    • A representation of the administration and services staff, who will make up 10% of the Committee
    • Three student representatives
  • Secretary: The Secretary of the Defense University Centre, who shall have voice and vote

Among the members of the Committee, the Director, the Deputy Director, the Secretary and all the faculty are ex officio members for as long as they perform their duties.

The functions of the CUD Committee are as follows:

  1. Propose the modification or reform of the Internal Regulations, which will be presented by the Director before the Executive Committee.
  2. Approve and raise the annual report, which the Director presents to the Executive Committee.
  3. Know the annual budget project and the financial report of the previous year’s accounts, presented by the Director to the Executive Committee.
  4. Approve the center’s teaching organization plan.
  5. Approve the teaching guides, timetables and examination calendars for each of the degrees offered.
  6. Approve the Annual Reports of the degrees offered by the Center.
  7. Approve the proposals for the preparation, modification or adaptation of the study plans of the degrees taught at the Center.
  8. Supervise the operation of the center’s internal quality assurance system.
  9. Issue reports on the teaching activity of the faculty.
  10. Know the annual plan of activities of the degree.
  11. Report, when required, on conflicts that may arise within the center.
  12. Ensure strict respect for the rights and fulfilment of the obligations of each of the sectors that make up the center’s community, establishing control measures, if necessary, and submitting the corresponding reports to the Executive Committee, if applicable.
  13. Establish delegate commissions, when the needs of the center require it.
  14. Know the proposal of strategic lines of research of the center prior elevation by the Director to the Executive Committee for approval.
  15. Know the Action Plan of the center and the Annual Plans.
  16. Know the signing of agreements with other entities and institutions.
  17. Exercise any other powers attributed by the Executive Committee in accordance with current legislation.
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