DOCENTIA programme

The development of the European Higher Education Area has the promotion of quality in universities as one of the axes of development.

In particular, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) recommends quality assurance of lecturers as one of the standards and guidelines for university quality assurance.

The DOCENTIA Programme responds to the aforementioned guideline and to the requirements set out in the Organic Law on Universities (LOU) on the compulsory evaluation of the teaching, research and management activities of university teaching staff.

The DOCENTIA Programme of the Defence University Centre has the following objectives:

  • To obtain contrasted and standardised information on teaching planning, teaching development and academic and satisfaction results obtained by the faculty.
  • To use this information for the assessment of the faculty.
  • To recognise the work carried out to improve the quality of teaching and teaching innovation.
  • To define the definition and organisation of teacher training plans, and other activities that may be approved by the corresponding authorities in the future.

In order to meet the above objectives, the Defence University Centre has signed a collaboration agreement with the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) for the development of the DOCENTIA Programme to support the evaluation of the teaching activity of the faculty.

Programme documents:

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