- The executive committee is formed by:
- President: The General Director of Recruitment and Military Education.
- Vice President: The Admiral Chief of Staff of the Navy.
- Members:
- The General Deputy Director of Military Education.
- The Director of Naval Education.
- The Director of the Spanish Naval Academy (ENM).
- The Director of the CUD-ENM.
- The Delegate of the University of Vigo.
- A representative of the UVIGO designated by the Rector.
- Secretary: The Secretary of the Center.
- The Presidency shall use his/her vote to break ties for the purpose of adopting resolutions.
- The Vice-president will preside over the sessions when the President is not present.
- The Undersecretary of Defence shall be considered an ex-officio member of the Executive committee, with voice and vote. When he/she attends the meetings, he/she will chair them.
- The Rector of the University of Vigo shall be considered an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee, with voice and vote.
- The Secretary shall act with voice but without vote. He/she shall be responsible for drawing up the minutes of the meetings and the custody of the documentation.
- Whenever the President may consider it appropriate, those who the nature of the subject to be dealt with requires it, may attend the meetings, with voice but without vote, and shall be considered as accidental members.
In accordance with art. 7 of the Internal Regulations of the center are functions of the Executive Committee, among others, the following:
- Holding the institutional representation of the Center, which may be delegated to its Director.
- Approving the Internal Regulations of the Center.
- Proposing to the Undersecretary of Defense the designation of the Director of the Center.
- Designating the Deputy Director, Manager and Secretary of the Center, at the proposal of the Director.
- Approving the centre’s staff proposal, prepared by the Director, prior to its submission to the Executive Committee of the Interministerial Remuneration Committee (CECIR).
- Approving the requests for collaboration of UVIGO faculty and the modality in which they will be provided, as established in clause 10.6 of the affiliation agreement.
- Approving the Proposal of the Annual Calendar of Activities of the Degree, prior to its submission to the Undersecretary of Defense by the General Directorate of Recruitment and Military Education.
- Approving the financial report of the previous year, the Budget and the Multi-year Expense Programming.
- Approve the strategic lines of research of the center and supervise its research activity.
- Approving the Action Plan of the center and the Annual Plans, at the proposal of the Director, prior submission to the DIGEREM.
- Know and evaluate the annual report of activities, presented by the Director of the CUD-ENM and informed by the UVIGO Delegate.
- Ensuring the correct execution of the affiliation agreement for the achievement of the objectives established in the first clause, as well as to exercise the power of inspection over the center to guarantee the fulfilment of said objectives.
- Giving Instructions to the Director in matters pertaining to the powers of the Executive Committee.
- Approving its operating rules, which will include the rules for the substitution of its members.
- Any other function included in the current applicable regulations and in the Agreement between the Ministry of Defense and UVIGO for the affiliation of the CUD-ENM.
- Giving its approval to the Director for the signing of the agreements proposed by him/her, and which the Ministry of Defense regulations authorize him/her to sign.
- Ensuring the proper functioning of the center and its teaching and research activities.
Regarding what is not included in the affiliation agreement, in these Regulations and in the rules of operation in the Executive Committee, it will be governed by what is established for the collegiate bodies in the preliminary title, section 3, of Law 40/2015, of October 1st, of the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.