On January 10, 2022, the face-to-face phase of the “ICT Management for the Defence Master Degree” (DIRETIC master’s degree) began, an official degree from the University of Vigo taught by the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy (CUD- ENM). The welcoming ceremony, which took place in the Assembly Hall of the ENM, was chaired by the Director of the CUD-ENM, Ilmo. Mr. CN D. José Martín Davila, and the Commander-Director of the ENM, Ilmo. Mr. CN. Mr. Pedro Cardona Suanzes and the coordinator of the DIRETIC master, Prof. Dr. Ms. Milagros Fernández Gavilanes. Among the attendees were the 46 students of the second and third class of the DIRETIC master’s degree in the two specialties, as well as the faculty.
The master’s program is taught in blended learning mode where each of its three academic periods has a 3-week face-to-face phase at CUD-ENM. During this face-to-face phase, the students of both courses will receive practical classes, attend conferences and make training visits to centers, companies and facilities of interest for the subjects that make up the course’s teaching program. In addition, the students of the third promotion will defend their Master’s Final Dissertation during the last week of this face-to-face phase.