Defense legislation

  • Order DEF/375/2021, of April 20th, approving the general guidelines for the organization of research and knowledge transfer in defense university centers.
  • Instruction 18/2021, of March 3rd, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which establishes the criteria for the qualification and classification of the students of the military educational training centers for access to the officer ranks. This instruction replaces Instruction Instruction 56/2010, of September 15th, which is hereby repealed.
  • Resolution 455/12356/20, of August 12th, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which approves the calendar of activities for the academic year 2020/2021, corresponding to the military educational training centers that integrate the teaching of university degrees with those of military training for access to the officer ranks of the Naval Branch, Marine Infantry and Military Legal Corps, Military Intervention Corps and Military Health Corps.
  • Ministerial Order DEF/1269/2019, of December 19th, which modifies Ministerial Order DEF/1434/2016, of August 31st, which establishes the rules for evaluation, progress and permanence in the military training centers for incorporation into the officer scales.
  • Resolution of the Undersecretary of Defense, which approves the Calendar of Activities for the academic year 2019/2020, corresponding to the Training Education for access to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, Marine Corps and Military Corps of Health (specializing in Medicine) without prior requirement of a university degree.
  • Resolution del Subsecretario de Defensa, which modifies Resolution 455/10353/18, of July 3rd, 2018, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which approves the Calendar of Activities for the academic year 2018/2019, corresponding to the Training Education for access to the Officer Scales of the General Corps, the Marine Corps and the Military Corps of Health (specializing in Medicine) without the prior requirement of a university degree.
  • Instruction 58/2018, of August 31st, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which regulates the processing and internal management of non-degree courses taught by the Defense University Centers.
  • Resolution del Subsecretario de Defensa, approving the Calendar of Activities for the 2018/2019 academic year, corresponding to the training education for access to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, Marine Corps and Military Corps of Health (specializing in Medicine) without prior requirement of a university degree.
  • Order DEF/465/2018, of April 27th and which standardizes the awarding of the temporary post of Ensign Student to students of syllabuses prior to that of Order DEF/286/2016, of 23 February, which approves the curriculum of officer training education for integration into the General Corps of the Army by means of forms of entry without prior qualifications.
  • Instruction 43/2017, of September 5th, of the Undersecretary of Defense on the Regime of the Military Personnel of the Defense University Centers.
  • Resolution del Subsecretario de Defensa, which approves the Calendar of Activities for the 2017/2018 academic year, corresponding to the training education for access to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, the Marine Corps and the Military Corps of Health (specializing in Medicine) without prior requirement of a university degree.
  • Order DEF/464/2017, of May 19th, which approves the rules that regulate the training and advanced studies of the National Defense.
  • Order DEF/426/2017, of May 8th, by which the Regime of the teaching staff of the military educational centers is approved.
  • Order DEF/368/2017, of April 4th, which approves the Regime of the Students of the training education and modifies Order DEF/1626/2015, of July 29, which approves the general guidelines for the elaboration of the curricula of the training education for the access to the different scales of non-commissioned officers of the bodies of the Armed Forces.
  • Order DEF/85/2017, of February 1st, approving the rules on the organization and functions, internal regime and programming of military educational centers.
  • Order DEF/1434/2016, of August 31st, which establishes the rules for evaluation, progress and permanence in the military training centers for incorporation into the officer scales.
  • Resolution de la Subsecretaria de Defensa, which approves the calendar of activities for the 2016/2017 academic year, corresponding to the training education for access to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, Marine Corps and Military Corps of Health (specializing in Medicine) without the prior requirement of a university degree.
  • Instruction 51/2016, July 29th, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which modifies Instruction 56/2010, of September 15th, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which determines the evaluation and classification criteria of the students of the military educational training centers for the access to the officer scales and Instruction 94/2011, of December 12th, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which determines the evaluation and classification criteria of the students of the military educational training centers for the access to the non-commissioned officer scales.
  • Order DEF/288/2016, of February 23rd, approving the curricula for officer training for integration into the Naval Branch of the Navy and the Marine Corps by means of entry without prior qualifications.
  • Resolution of the Undersecretary of Defense, which approves the calendar of activities for the academic year 2015/2016, corresponding to the training for access to the scales of officers of the Naval Branch, the Marine Corps and the Military Corps of Health (specializing in medicine) without the prerequisite of a university degree.
  • Order DEF/810/2015, of May 4th, which approves the general guidelines for the development of training curricula for access to the different scales of officers of the Armed Forces.
  • Royal Decree 339/2015, of April 30th, which regulates the training and advanced studies of the National Defense.
  • Resolution 455/10567/14, of July 25th, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which approves the calendar of activities for the 2014/2015 academic year, corresponding to the training courses for the Access to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, Marine Corps and Military Corps of Health (medicine specialty) without previous requirement of a university degree.
  • Ministerial Order 60/2013, of September 5th, amending Ministerial Order 49/2010, of July 30th, (repealed by Order DEF/1434/2016), which establishes the rules for evaluation and progress and permanence in the military training educational centers for entry into the officer ranks, and Ministerial Order 49/2011, of July 28th, which establishes the rules for evaluation and promotion and repetition of courses in the military educational centers that provide training education for entry into the non-commissioned officer ranks.
  • Resolution 400/07412/2013, of May 24th, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which approves the calendar of activities for the 2013-2014 academic year, corresponding to the Training Education for access to the Officer Scales of the General Corps, Marine Corps and Military Corps of Health (specializing in medicine) without prior requirement of a university degree.
  • Ministerial Order 35/2012, of July 4th, which modifies the rules of evaluation, progress and permanence in military training centers for entry into the officer ranks, established by Ministerial Order 49/2010, of July 30th. Repealed by Order DEF/1434/2016.
  • Resolution 400/08002/2012, of May 21st, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which approves the calendar of activities for the academic year 2012-2013, corresponding to the training for access to the scales of officers of the naval branch and marine infantry without prior requirement of a university degree.
  • Resolution 400/09341/2011, of May 31st, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which approves the calendar of activities for the 2011-2012 academic year, corresponding to the training course for access to the officer scales of the naval branch and marine infantry without the prior requirement of a university degree.
  • Resolution 452/06403/11, of April 27th, 2011, of the Undersecretary’s Office, by which the selection process for admission to military training centers is announced, by the form of admission by promotion, for access as career military personnel, to the Officer Scales of the Naval Branch, Marine Infantry Corps and Quartermaster Corps.
  • Instrucción 19/2011, of April 4th, 2011, of the Undersecretary of Defense, which implements Order 43/1993, of April 21st, 1993, on the student regime of the training educational centers.
  • Instrucción 56/2010, of September 15th, of the Under-Secretary of Defense, determining the criteria for the evaluation and classification of students at military training centers for access to the officer ranks. Repealed by Instruction 18/2021, of March 23rd.
  • Ministerial Order 49/2010, of July 30th 2010, which establishes the rules for evaluation, progress and permanence in military training centers for entry into the officer ranks, repealed by Order DEF/1434/2016.
  • Resolution 400/12415/2010, of 28 July, of the Undersecretary of Defense, approving the calendar of activities for the academic year 2010/2011, corresponding to the training education for access to the officer scales of the naval branch and marine infantry without prior requirement of a university degree.
  • Resolution 420/01912/2010, of January 29th, of the General Technical Secretariat, publicizing the affiliation agreement between the Ministry of Defense and the University of Vigo to regulate the conditions under which the university center of defense at the Naval Military School is attached to the University of Vigo.
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