General and specific competences that students must acquire during their studies, and that are required to grant the degree.

In order to achieve the objectives set in the previous section, the competences to be acquired by Bachelor’s Degree students are defined below. By acquiring these skills, students will obtain both the bachelor degree and the appropriate preparation for their professional life. The competences listed below have been catalogued or structured according to their nature and the field to which they refer. In this way we will present:

  • Basic Competences of the Degree
  • General Competences of the Degree in the Industrial Field
  • Specific Competences of the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree
  • Transversal Competences
    • Techniques
    • Systemic
    • Personal and Participative

These competences have been obtained or created from different legal and documentary sources, such as:

  • Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29th, which establishes the organisation of official university education..
  • Ministerial Order CIN/351/2009, of February 9th, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that enable the exercise of the profession of Industrial Technical Engineer..
  • White Book on Industrial Engineering Degrees (Higher Technical Schools of Industrial Engineering proposal. ANECA 2006.
  • White Book on Industrial Engineering Degrees (Schools of Industrial Technical Engineering proposal). ANECA 2005.
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