Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree by University of Vigo

This degree in mechanical engineering is imparted exclusively within the training process of future Navy Officers. The subjects that form this bachelor degree are distributed throughout the five academic years that the students of the Spanish Naval Academy must remain in it, where, in addition to receiving this degree training, they obtain the specific naval and military training required for their future professional performance. Therefore, they will graduate as Ensign (Naval Branch) or Lieutenants (Marine Corps).

In this section of the website, you will find all the information related to the degree (study plan, teaching guides, degree justification, competences, admission and graduation profiles, material resources, degree academic results (rates and indicators) as well as data on stakeholder satisfaction).

This bachelor degree has the EUR-ACE® acreditation, considered as the most prestigious one that an engineering degree can obtain in Europe. It is supported by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE), which guarantees the quality of engineering programs in Europe.



Degree Denomination
Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree

Branch of knowledge
Engineering and Architecture

University in charge
University of Vigo

Centers where the degree is tought

Defense University Center in the Spanish Naval Academy
Industrial Engineering University (Lagoas Marcosende Campus)

Director of the degree imparted in the Defense University Center
José Martín Davila

Deputy Director of the degree imparted in the Defense University Center
Belén Barragáns Martínez

Implementation yearn

Last accreditation information

Final evaluation report prior to verification.

Positive verification of the proposal (June 30th, 2010).

Autorization of the degree implementation by the Xunta de Galicia (September 16th, 2010).

Autorization center commissioning by the Xunta de Galicia (February 17th, 2011).

Modification report

Informe Final de Evaluación de la Solicitud de Modificación de Plan de Estudios (año 2012).

Final accreditation renewal report

Final report of the evaluation of the Study Programme Modification Request (2012).

Modification Reports

Final report of the evaluation of the Study Programme Modification Request (2018).

Final Evaluation Report of the Study Plan Modification Request (year 2022).

Report (in force) for the request of degree verification.
Publication of Graduate study plan in Mechanical Engineering in the Official State Gazette (February 20, 2023).
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